Kate Elizabeth (Fightful)

Wrestling media has evolved significantly in recent years, driven by passionate voices & innovative content creators. One such influential figure is Kate Elizabeth from Fightful, who recently shared her insights & experiences in an interview with Pario. During our conversation, we explore her views on the state of wrestling media, & the challenges of content creation.

Finding your Voice

As a member of the Fightful staff, Kate appears on 6 different wrestling podcasts/talk shows each week. So it’s no surprise that she emphasised that differentiating yourself in a crowded market is crucial.

“The most important thing you can do is deliver content that you would also want to listen to,” Kate said to Pario. One of the key areas that Kate believes this can be achieved is by developing your unique voice in wrestling media.

Kate highlighted her Tuesday night show as a prime example of this ethos, “We do wrestling puns, we sing songs, we do impressions. It's insane, it's completely unhinged,” she said, contrasting it with her more conventional Friday night show.

Some other necessities according to Kate are; consistency, originality, integrity & passion in content creation. Noting that many people are talking about professional wrestling, but not everyone manages to stand out - which can often be attributed to a lack of true passion.

“If you are not passionate about it or that passion isn't translating then why do I want to listen to you if you don't even want to talk about it?”

Navigating Wrestling Media Challenges

This portion of our conversation then flowed into Kate addressing the challenges wrestling media professionals face, particularly the difficulty of breaking into the industry.

“There's nothing more important than doing your work with integrity,” Kate said. “Because in the end, wrestling doesn't actually matter, never mind wrestling media... So, if you think you're better than someone because of a wrestling opinion, you’re absolutely bonkers.”

Here, Kate delivered a golden piece of advice for not just those aspiring to be involved in wrestling media but content creators in general.

“If you're trying to work in the space, do not assume everyone's always hiring,” she advised. “You need to foster relationships authentically without an end game because if they can't hire you they’ll recommend you to someone else who can.”

Kate also stressed how crucial it is to work hard. As she can attest, hard work leads to opportunities that ultimately pay dividends.

“The amount of people that I see complaining about not getting anywhere, but doing an iota of the work that they're portraying themselves as doing drives me absolutely nuts.”

Embracing Diversity in Wrestling

A significant portion of our interview focused on the diversity within the wrestling scene, particularly here in Australia. Kate praised the talent & variety in the Australian wrestling landscape. “I learned so much of the diversity within the Australian scene,” she noted, highlighting how different Australian cities or promotions have distinct styles & strengths.

Kate expressed particular admiration for wrestlers like Jessica Troy, Delta, & The Velocities (Jude London & Paris De Silva), who she believes are among the best wrestlers in the world.

“Jessica Troy & Delta are just two of the best wrestlers in the world, & they just happen to be women... Then there’s The Velocities, who are probably the best unsigned tag team in the world” she said, showcasing her enthusiasm for promoting international talent. This commitment to spotlighting diverse voices is part of Kate’s broader goal to lend her platform to underrepresented scenes globally.

According to Kate, understanding & appreciating these diverse wrestling scenes enriches the overall media landscape.

“There’s so much value in seeing how other scenes function,” she explained. “All companies, all promotions, the independents, everybody's got great stuff going on & they've got some stuff that isn't so great going on. But the more open-minded you are to it & the more you can ingest then the more sophisticated your opinion can become.”

For wrestling fans and content creators alike, Kate Elizabeth's perspectives offer both inspiration and practical advice. As the industry grows and changes, her commitment to originality, integrity, and diversity will serve as a beacon for those looking to navigate the dynamic world of wrestling media.

Follow Kate's creative journey on social media at: @misskatefabe

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