True Hauntings Podcast


In the world of podcasting two genres in particular are especially enthralling, true crime and the paranormal. Australian podcasters Anne Rzechowicz and Renata Daniel combine both in their new show, True Hauntings.

In episode one of True Hauntings Anne and Renata dive deep into the myths of the Amityville Horror and dissect the stories, fables, legends, and the films to discover the inconsistencies and ultimately the truth behind the tale.

With their background as ghost hunters in Newcastle (together Anne & Renata run Newcastle Ghost Tours), these two ladies have a deep understanding of the types of scenarios and natural phenomena which can cause people to believe in hauntings. Bearing this in mind they attack the tale of Amityville with an analytical and levelheaded approach, all the while conveying the information to the listener in a easy and friendly manner - it's as though the listener is simply a fly on the wall hearing a conversation between two friends/colleagues.

The True Hauntings podcast is one for fans of the true crime or paranormal. The show is factual and doesn't attempt to leave you overtly creeped out but rather informed instead.


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